Tycho C. Kruithof
11 Solves Posted
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Tycho C. Kruithof
Critique solve 5
September 26th, 2024
(-5, 0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-2,1)/ (-3,-3)/ (-1,-4)/ (-2,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (-3,-2)/ (0,-2)/ (2,0)/ (-1,0)/ (4,-2) 
(0, 2) /(4, -2)/(-1, 6)/(-4, 3)/(-1, -2)/(-3, 0)/ // 2-2-2/Perpendicular edges (6)
// Uhh skipped the CO in recon. Think the recon's incorrect. Ill continue anyways. Pls tips on this as well.
(-2, 0)/(-3, 0)/(3, 0)/(-1, -1)/(-3, 0)/(3, 0)/ // EO EOIL(6)
(4, 1)/(0, -3)/(0, 3)/(0, -3)/(0, 3)/ // CP J/N(5)
(-1, 5)/(0, -3)/(1, 1)/(-1, 2)/(6, 3) //EP Reduction
/(0, 1)/ -3,0 / 0,3 / 0,-3 / 0,3 / 2,0 / 0,2 / -2,0 / 4,0 / 0,-2 / 0,2 / -1,4 / 0,-3 / (0,2) // ADJ Pairity (bottom)
(6,0)/(6,0)/(6, -5) // Bar flip
Tycho C. Kruithof
Critique solve 4
September 26th, 2024
 (-3,2)/ (-5,4)/ (-3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-3)/ (-5,0)/ (0,-2)/ (4,-4)/ (4,0)/ (2,0) 
(-2, 0)/(2, 0)/(0, 4)/(0, -4)/(1, 2)/(0, 3)/ // Perpendicular edges/3-1-2 (6)
(0, 4)/(6, -3)/ // CO 1/3(2)
(-3, -3)/(-4, -1)/(1, 1)/(3, 0)/ // EO EOLL(4)
-1,3/ -3,0 / 3,3 / 0,-3 / // CP J/J(4)
(6, -1)/(0, -3)/(1, 1)/(-1, 2)/(-2, -2)/(-1, -1)/(-5, 1)/(-1, -1)/ //EP Reduction
(-2, 1)/(-3, 0)/(-1, 0)/ -3,0 / 0,3 / 0,-3 / 0,3 / 2,0 / 0,2 / -2,0 / 4,0 / 0,-2 / 0,2 / -1,4 / 0,-3 /(1, 3)/(3, 0)/(-4, 0) //OPP Pairity
Tycho C. Kruithof
September 26th, 2024
(-5,0)/ (2,-4)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (4,-3)/ (3,0)/ (3,0)/ (-1,0)/ (-4,0)/ (1,-2)/ (-2,0)/ (6,0) 
(0, -4)/(1, 4)/(0, -2)/(-1, -2)/(-3, -3)/ // Muffin/Left Paw (5)
(6, 5)/(-3, 0)/ // CO 3/1 (2)
(1,-2)/(-4,-1)/(1,1)/(3, 0)/ // EO EOLL(4)
(-1, 5)/(3, 0)/(-3, 0)/(3, 0)/(-3, 0)/(0, 4) // CP N/J(5)
(6, 2)/(0, -3)/(1, 1)/(-1, 2)/ (0, -2) //EP Reduction
/-3,0/0,3/0,-3/0,3/2,0/0,2/-2,0/4,0/0,-2/0,2/-1,4/0,-3/ //ADJ Pairity
(0, 2)/(6,0)/(6, 0)/(0, 1) //Bar Flip
Tycho C. Kruithof
Critique solve 2
September 26th, 2024
(0,2)/ (0,-3)/ (1,4)/ (6,-3)/ (5,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,-2)/ (4,-1)/ (4,0)/ (2,0)/ (-2,0)/ 
(-4, -2)/(2, 0)/(-2, 0)/(2, 0)/(-1, 0)/(-3, 0)/ // Right fist/Right fist (6)
(4, 3)/ // CO Adj/Adj (1)
/(3,0)/(3,0)/(-1,-1)/(-2,1)/(-4,-1)/(0, 1) // EO 1-1 (6)
/(3,-3)/(-3,3)/(-3, 6) // CP N/N(3)
(0, -1)/(1, 1)/(0, 3)/(-1, -1)/(0, -3)/(1, 1)/ //EP reduction
(2, 5)/(0, -3)/(1, 1)/(-1, 2)/(0, -5) // EP
(1, 0)/(-3, 0)/(-1, 0)/ -3,0 / 0,3 / 0,-3 / 0,3 / 2,0 / 0,2 / -2,0 / 4,0 / 0,-2 / 0,2 / -1,4 / 0,-3 /(1, 3)/(3, 0)/(-4, 0) //OPP Pairity
Tycho C. Kruithof
critique solve 1
September 26th, 2024
(0,5)/ (0,-3)/ (6,0)/ (0,-3)/ (1,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-4)/ (-3,0)/ (-1,-2)/ (-4,0)/ (-3,0)/ (0,-4)/ 
(1, 6)/(0, -2)/(-1, -2)/(-3, -3)/ // Left 4-2/Paired edges (4)
(0, -4)/(-3, 0)/ // CO 3/1(2)
(1,-2)/(3, 0)/(3, 0)/(-1, -1)/(-2, 1)/(-3, 0)/ // EO EO11(6)
-4,0/ -3,0 / 3,3 / 0,-3 / // CP J/J(4)
(0, -4)/(1, 1)/(3, 0)/(-1, -1)/(3, 0)/(1, 1)/ //Reduce EP
3,0/0,-3/-1,0/3,0/1,0/0,3/-1,0/-3,0/ // EP Ub / -(8)
Tycho C. Kruithof
September 25th, 2024
(0,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (3,0)/ (2,-1)/ (-5,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (4,0)/ (0,-2)/ (-2,-1)/ (6,0)/
(0,4)/(-3, 4)/(-4, 3)/(-1, -2)/(-3,0)/ // Right fist/Scallop (5)
(1, 6)/(6,-3)/ // OBL Left Pair / Left Pair(2)
5,0/ 3,-3 / -3,0 / 0,3 / 0,-3 / 0,3 / // PBL Jb / -(6)
(3, 3) //ABL 
Tycho C. Kruithof
Fuck me
August 27th, 2024
B' D2 L2 D R2 U L2 B2 R2 U L2 U2 L U' R2 F' L2 D' U B2
z2  // inspection
F' D // cross (2)
U'  L' U2 L U' L' U L // 1st pair (8)
U2 R' U R U' R U2 R' L U' L' // 2nd pair (11)
R' U' R U2 R' U R // 3rd pair (7)
y' U2 R' U' R U2 R' U R // 4th pair (9)
F R U R' U' R U R' U' F'  // OLL 48
U M2' U' M' U2 M U' M2' // PLL - Ub
Tycho C. Kruithof
Random recon
August 26th, 2024
U L2 D' B2 L2 D2 R2 U2 R2 F' U2 L' D F U F' U' R' U2
y'  // inspection
R D2 y' U R' U2 R' F // xcross (8)
R' U R L' U2 L U' L' U L // 2nd pair (10)
U2 R U' R' U' y L' U' L U' L' U L // 3rd pair (13)
R U R' U2' R U' R' U R U R' // 4th pair (11)
R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R' // OLL 23
U F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F' U' // PLL - Y
Tycho C. Kruithof
July 14th, 2024
(1,0)/ (3,0)/ (5,2)/ (-3,0)/ (4,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (4,0)/ (3,-4)/ (-4,-3)/ (-4,-4)
-2,0/-2,0/2,0/-3,4/2,0/3,0/2,4/1,2/-3,-3/ // CS (9)
-5,3/ // CO Adj/Adj(1)
6,0/3,0/3,0/-1,-1/-2,1/-3,0/  // EO EO11(6)
-4,3/ -3,0 / 3,3 / 0,-3 /  // CP J/J(4)
1,0/-1,-1/-2,1/-1,-1/-2,1/-1,-1/ // PBL Oa / Opp(6)
0,-5 //Last D move
Tycho C. Kruithof
July 14th, 2024
(1,0)/ (3,0)/ (5,2)/ (-3,0)/ (4,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (5,0)/ (0,-3)/ (6,-1)/ (4,0)/ (3,-4)/ (-4,-3)/ (-4,-4)
-2,0/-2,0/2,0/-3,4/2,0/3,0/2,4/1,2/-3,-3/ // CS (9)
-5,3/-1,0  // CO Adj/Adj(1)
-5,0/3,0/3,0/-1,-1/-2,1/-3,0/  // EO EO11(6)
-4,3/ -3,0 / 3,3 / 0,-3 /  // CP J/J(4)
1,0/-1,-1/-2,1/-1,-1/-2,1/-1,-1/ // PBL Oa / Opp(6)
0,-5 //Last D move