L' F U D2 B' U D2 L' F' B2 R2 L2 D2 R2 B2 U L2 B2 D R2 F2
x' // inspection B U' R' R r' R D F' D' // cross R U2' R2' U' R // 1st pair R U' R' U R U' R' r B' r' // 2nd pair L' U' L // 3rd pair R U' R' // 4th pair U2' R' F R U R' F' R F U' F' // OLL U' U R U' R2' D' R U R' D R U' R U' R' U R U R' U' // PLL
F' U F' R D B2 U' B2 R2 U2 D2 R F2 D2 R L B2 U F2
x' // inspection D2 r U' L' L R' D' R U R // 3/4 cross R U' U2' R2' U' R // 1st pair R U R' U' L U2 L' // 2nd pair U' r' R U2' M' // finish cross U' D R U R' D' // 3rd pair d' L' U' L U' L' U L // 4th pair U2 R U2' R2' U' R2 U' R2' U2' R // OLL U2' R' U L' U2 R U' R' U R R' U R L // PLL
F U' F' B' D B' D2 L B F2 D2 L D2 B2 R' F2 L U2 R F2
y x2 // inspection U' R' D R D F' D // cross U2 R U' R' // 1st pair y' L U L' // 2nd pair y' R' U2' R U R' U' R // 3rd pair d' L' U L // 4th pair U R U R' U R U' R' U' R' F R F' // OLL U' R' U R' U' y R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F // PLL
U2 R' D B' D2 L B L2 U2 L2 U B2 U B2 D2 F2 U' B2 D L
y // inspection R B' D R2 U R' D // xcross y' R' U R2 U' R' // 2nd pair U' R' U R U2' R' U R // 3rd pair U' L' U' L // 4th pair U2'r U R' U' r' F R F' // OLL U R U R' U' D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D' U' // PLL
(-5,0) / (2,2) / (-3,0) / (-3,-3) / (1,-2) / (0,-1) / (3,-3) / (3,0) / (-5,0) / (0,-4) / (-4,0) / (0,-3) / (6,-4)
y2 // inspection U2/-50/-20/-1-2/e'/ // CS Line/5-1 -3-4/b'/m'/ // OBL Hazard/Shell t'/U'/M/u2/U'/B'/64 // PBL Pm/pJ
(-3,5) / (-3,6) / (-3,-3) / (-5,-2) / (5,-1) / (-2,0) / (-3,-3) / (1,0) / (2,-2) / (-4,0) / (0,-5)
y2 // inspection -2-1/-22/-10/e'/ // CS Pair/4-2 3-4/d'/k/ // OBL Tie/T k'/U'/e/B'/u/M/U/U2/50 // PBL Km/Pr
(0,2) / (6,0) / (1,-2) / (0,-3) / (-3,-3) / (5,0) / (-3,0) / (-3,-1) / (-5,-5) / (-1,0) / (0,-3) / (2,0) / (4,0) /
/-40/-20/D/-2-1/U'/ // CS Shield/Muffin 26/d'/-40/00/0-1/ // OBL Tie/T -5-5/U/M'/u'/32/U'/e/D'/51 // PBL Dm/Km
(-2,-3) / (0,-3) / (3,0) / (-4,-4) / (1,-2) / (0,-1) / (-3,-3) / (-1,-2) / (4,0) / (6,-2) / (1,-2) /
z2 y2 // inspection (at the time of this recon, z2 does an x2, so the y2 corrects for that) 20/0-4/2-3/-2-1/U'/ // CS 6/Line -1-3/m'/U'/u/ // OBL Bad Bird/Yoshi -2-3/U'/e/D'/-61/U/M'/U/M/U2/5-3 // PBL T/Rl
(1,0) / (-1,-1) / (3,0) / (4,-5) / (6,-3) / (-3,0) / (0,-1) / (-3,-3) / (-1,0) / (6,-4) / (-4,0) / (-2,0) /
y2 // inspection /-40/-10/e'/ // CS 4-2/Pair -3-4/U'/K'/ // OBL Good Axe/Knight W'/W'/U'/5-4/U'/e'/U'/34 // PBL Gar/Ul
(-2,0) / (2,5) / (0,3) / (0,-3) / (-5,-2) / (0,-3) / (0,-1) / (3,0) / (0,-5) / (-4,0) / (6,-4) / (5,0) / (0,-2) / (-1,0)
z2 y2 // inspection (at the time of doing this recon, there was a bug where z2 does an x2, so the following y2 corrects for that) -20/04/-1-2/01/D/ // CS L/3-2-1 13/UD2/ // OBL Good Pairs 56/U'/e/D'/ // CP J/J 43/u2/u'/M'/F/U2/20 // EP Good Us