David Okoro-Sokoh
597 Solves Posted
5 Following
David Okoro-Sokoh
Sameer Aggarwal 5.28sec BlueAcidball
January 14th, 2025
	(6,2) / (-2,-2) / (-3,0) / (3,0) / (2,-4) / (0,-2) / (3,0) / (1,-4) / (-2,-4) / (-2,0) / (0,-2) / (-2,-3) /
y2 // inspection
02/3-2/2-3/-2-1/U'/ // CS
01/M'/U'/U'/ // OBL Good Axe/Knight
E/d'/d/d'/d/t/U/M'/u'/-1-3 // PBL Cr/Sm
David Okoro-Sokoh
this did not feel like a 5
January 14th, 2025
L U2 F' U L U2 L2 B U2 L D2 R2 F2 L' F2 R D2 R' U2 D2 B'
x2 // inspection
D' L F' D L D' // cross
R' U R // 1st pair
y' R' U' R // 2nd pair
U' L' U L U' L' U L U' L' U L // 3rd pair
y L' U2 L U' L' U L // 4th pair
U R' F' U' F U' R U R' U R // OLL
U // AUF
David Okoro-Sokoh
4:02.48 Official 3BLD Success
January 7th, 2025
R U D2 F' B R F2 L2 D' R F2 R' F2 R' B2 D2 L D2 B D2 Fw' Uw2
z' y2 // orientation
// corner buffer: E (LBU)
// edge buffer: U (DF)
// corner memo: IP UQ CH OM
// edge memo: RT XE JS BA CF OV

// edges exec
[U' L U: M2] [U R' U': M2] // RT
[U' L2 U: M2] [x' U L' U': M2] // XE
[U R U': M2] [U': [R' F' R, S]] M2 // JS
[R U R' U': M2] M2 // BA
U2 M' U2 M' [x' U L2 U': M2] // CF
[x' U' R' U: M2] [U R2 U': M2] // OV

// corners exec
[F R': R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] [F D: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] // IP
[D: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] [R D': R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] // UQ
[F2 D: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] [D2 F D: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] // CH
[D2 F': R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] [F: R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R] // OM
David Okoro-Sokoh
3 SPS 0w0
December 21st, 2024
(0,-1)/ (1,-5)/ (-1,-1)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-2)/ (0,-3)/ (2,0)/ (-3,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-1)/ (2,0)/ (6,0)
60/-20/21/e/ // CS
-50/U'D2/ // CO 1/3
E'/F'/11/U/ // EO EOLL
d/U'/e/D'/ // CP J/J
t/u2/u'/M'/u'/-10 // EP Ul/Ur
David Okoro-Sokoh
November 30th, 2024
 (4,3)/ (3,3)/ (6,0)/ (-4,-1)/ (0,-3)/ (4,-3)/ (-3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (3,0)/ (-4,0)/ (6,0)
y2 // inspection
04/40/-10/U'/ // CS Good Paw/Fist
13/U'/ // CO 3/1
UD2/F'/11/U/ // EO EOLL
-13/E/D'/D/U'/D/ // CP -/J
// the following steps are why you should look at what case you have for EP
10/M'/F/M'/u'/M'/ // EP Z/...
d2'/D/M'/d'/D'/D/M'/d'/-1-3 // EP .../Ul
David Okoro-Sokoh
October 15th, 2024
(0,-4)/ (-2,1)/ (-1,5)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-5)/ (-3,0)/ (5,0)/ (3,0)/ (3,-3)/ (-4,0)/ (-3,-5)/ (0,-5)/
y2 // inspection
0-4/01/-10/U'/ // CS
-23/ // CO Adj/Adj
U/M'/ // EO EOII
e/U'/e/D'/ // CP J/J
14/D/M'/K'/U2/-13 // EP Adj / Adj
David Okoro-Sokoh
Dylan Baumbach 4.40 BlueAcidball
September 29th, 2024
(1,0) / (-3,3) / (5,-4) / (-3,0) / (4,-5) / (0,-4) / (0,-3) / (5,-2) / (0,-2) / (0,-4) / (-2,-3) / (3,-2)
z2 // inspection
-40/02/01/0-1/U'/ // CS Pair/3-1-2
-3-5/u/UD2/ // OBL Axe / Gem
U'/U'/e/D'/11/u/u'/D'/D/-13 // PBL Ka / W
David Okoro-Sokoh
Dylan Baumbach 4.19 BlueAcidball
September 29th, 2024
(-5,3) / (2,-4) / (-2,-5) / (5,-1) / (-3,0) / (1,0) / (-3,0) / (5,-2) / (0,-4) / (-3,0) / (-4,0) / (3,0) /
y2 // inspection
40/-2-3/-1-2/U'/ // CS 4-2/Line
-50/f'/U'/F/ // OBL Cut / T
U2D2/u/u'/u/D'/T'/-46 // PBL Adj / Km
David Okoro-Sokoh
Dylan Baumbach 5.21 (misscramble) BlueAcidball
August 29th, 2024
3,-1/-3,0/1,-2/2,3/0,-3/6,0/-4,0/-2,0/-4,5/-2,3/-2,0 // generated misscramble
-44/-32/-23/-1-2/U'/ // CS Scallop/Fist
43/m/u'/d/U2D'/ // OBL Bad Thumbs
U2/d'/d/D'/D'/U'D2/M/u/31 // PBL Al/V
David Okoro-Sokoh
Dylan Baumbach 4.84 BlueAcidball
August 29th, 2024
(0,-1) / (-5,-2) / (-3,3) / (-3,0) / (-4,-4) / (-3,0) / (-2,0) / (0,-3) / (-3,0) / (0,-4) / (2,-5) / (5,0) / (-4,-4)
40/-50/-23/-1-2/U'/ // CS Pair/3-1-2
32/d'/k/ // OBL Tie/T
60/D'/e/U'/01/e'/E'/e'/E' // PB Ja/Gor